Adam Lambert: ‘Whataya Want From Me’


June 21, 2010 by popseeker

If you haven’t heard of Adam Lambert by now you really need to be keeping up; runner up on last year’s American Idol, he has since released a FANTASTIC pop album which has charted WORLDWIDE with tracks penned by Lady GaGa, Pink and Max Martin to name but a few.

His second UK single is ‘Whataya Want From Me’ and was written by Pink and Max Martin (pop songwriter extroadinaire – think Britney’s ‘Baby One More Time’, ‘3’, Kelly Clarkson’s ‘Since U Been Gone’, ‘My Life Would Suck Without You’ – basically all amazing pop songs).  The song has already charted worldwide, #3 in Canada, #10 in the US, #4 in Australia and #1 in Slovenia (lol), and now it’s our turn to get this TRULY FANTASTIC SONG to the top of the charts where it shall reign free.

In fact, ‘Whataya Want From Me’ was originally written for Pink’s album ‘Funhouse’ but didn’t make the final cut.  But as we know from Britney’s flirting with and then ditching of GaGa’s ‘Telephone’, not making the final cut the first time doesn’t at all signify bad things.  The song itself is basically a ballad but an upbeat one.  Give the song a chance if you don’t like it at first, it is a grower for some.

It’s released in the UK July 19th but available to download right now from his album ‘For Your Entertainment’.

Here iz ze video:

UPDATED 29/12/2010: Pink has since released her version of the song following the success and worldwide interest in Adam’s version on her newly released Greatest Hits compilation. We’re not sure which one we prefer. What do you think?

12 thoughts on “Adam Lambert: ‘Whataya Want From Me’

  1. Marilyn says:

    It also went to #1 in Australia, New Zealand, Germany and Finland. Maybe more countries too. The song is double-platinum in Canada which was reached back in April so there will be more sales added on. Thanks for the article. Best song out there right now and his next single If I Had You is great too.

  2. Laura says:

    This song is HOT! Adam has a stunning voice and this song shows it off perfectly! If you haven’t heard of Adam-watch the vid and see for yourself why he is loved by some many! If you like what you see (and hear!) please download/buy this song and his album-you will be in for a treat!

  3. EVERYBODY in the world loves this song yet national radio in the UK won’t add it to their play lists it! It’s a sin that listeners are deprived of hearing this amazing song by Adam. He’s joined the rank of once in a generation artists and deserves huge success in the UK the country he loves and draws inspiration from!

  4. It really should be a criminal offence not to play this song on radios at least once a day

  5. Leish says:

    Great review! I personally love this song and Adam sings it with such emotion. You are right it’s like an upbeat ballad very heartfelt but at the same time full of hope too. It has everything a song needs to be a total smash hit and Adam is an incredible singer! 🙂

  6. Ruth says:

    Thank you so much for this fantastic review and for helping to spread the word about the amazingly talented Adam! I saw him live at Heaven when he was over here doing promo in April – and he was just jaw-droppingly awesome. Have been a fan ever since I saw him in the group stages of Hollywood week on last year’s idol – and have been waiting impatiently fir the rest of the UK to catch on to him since!

  7. […] can find our previous post about the song here, but as the song is so brilliant, and because we at PopSeeker are joining the UK campaign to get […]

  8. magsmagenta says:

    It’s brilliant to know that Adam has so many friends here in the UK it was beginning to look like only us diehard fans cared about him, I’m so glad that isn’t so.
    Surely now the BBC will see sense and playlist him.

  9. mandylou68 says:

    This is a beautiful song and Adam sings it with so much emotion it’s heartbreaking. What is also heartbreaking is the fact that the UK’s national radio stations refuse to put the track on their playlist stating that Adam “isn’t a priority at the moment”. Who are they to decide this? Shouldn’t they give the British public a chance to decide for themselves? It’d be a huge hit if they did !!!!

  10. […] Adam Lambert’s ‘Whataya Want From Me’ “You can find our previous post about the song here, but as the song is so brilliant, and because we at PopSeeker are joining the UK campaign to get […]

  11. Megan says:

    I absolutely adore Adam Lambert and this song is so touching and just generally amazing it’s hard to believe the Radio 1 DJs aren’t playing this song!!!! I am a true die hard Adam Lambert fan and it is not fair that he is not in the charts when Jedward managed to break into the charts!!! I mean what’s going on there??

    Please please go buy or download this song and help to get his music played on the radios XD

    Thank you
    Adam fan 95

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